Customise database access to particular database engines. The interfaces to apsw, bsddb3, and sqlite3, use bit-mapped record numbers following the example of DPT. Response times may be improved by installing the
bitarray module.
Build dpt3.0-dptdb, Python interface to DPT database engine, for Windows only using 32bit Python. Development versions of dpt3.0-dptdb can be built using 64bit Python.
ChessResults (Grading) and ChessTab will use dpt3.0-dptdb if it is installed, but it must be installed separately.
The DPT website has expired so it is not possible to visit it for the source code: see history for details.
The most recent DPT downloads are available here quoting a post by Steve Jenkin on the Model 204 Users - Community page on Facebook.
Extract text from emails in a directory with one email per file. Attachments containing plain text, Office Open XML (*.docx), Open Document Format (*.odt), PDF, or spreadsheets compatible with Gnumeric, are supported. Plain text includes CSV files.