ChessTab version 0.37 released.
An interface to chess engines which support the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) is added. The current positions in displayed games and repertoires are passed to a chess engine and the analysis is displayed when ready. The analysis can be played through.
Several chess engines, all running on the same computer as ChessTab, can be used at the same time.
The Chess Merida and Chess Motif fonts may not work on platforms other than Microsoft Windows. These fonts are 'microsoft-symbol'. Chess Cases and Chess Lucena do work on FreeBSD 10.1 and Microsoft Windows. The font defaults have been adjusted to be platform dependent, meaning Windows or not-Windows.
A number of corrections and minor improvements were made.
When using the bsddb3 database engine interface, importing a small number of games into a new empty database fails. The workaround is close the new database, then open it and import the games. Small is much less than 1000 games here, and 200 games seems not small enough to have the problem.
The other database engine interfaces, including the default sqlite3, are not affected.
See comment dated 15 October 2015 on the uci package used but not yet listed in components.
New component versions basesup-0.20 gridsup-0.19.3 rmappsup-0.38.3.